
End of Summer Message from the Mayor and Town Council News

As we enter Autumn, I can look back on events over the year where Ann and I have represented Whittlesey Town Council and plan our diaries for the coming months, which are always hectic at this time of the year.

Reflecting on recent local events, three stand out as being particularly enjoyable.

Firstly, the annual St Andrews Church Fete held on Bank Holiday Monday proved to be an enormous success, not only in raising necessary funds for the church but also in allowing so many local people the opportunity to enjoy a sunny afternoon in the grounds of St Andrews Parish Hall.

Secondly, The Armed Forces Trade Fair held in West End Park in March provided a wide range of entertainment for the thousands who attended and reminded us of all the essential work carried out by our Armed Forces in maintaining good order, both at home and abroad.

Thirdly, I am indebted to Robert Windle and members of the Whittlesey Sports Association for organising an open day at Float Fish Farm, Farcet, which gave dozens of youngsters the opportunity of learning basic angling skills.

Upcoming Community Events

Looking forward, Whittlesey Town Council supports many local community events by allocating individual Councillors to sit on Committees to assist in the extensive planning of future events, which in many cases can take a year or more to organise. Such events include the Whittlesey Extravaganza, which takes place on Saturday 10th December from 

3 pm. The event takes place in the immediate area of the Buttercross, enhanced by the usual magnificent display of lights and tree provided by the Whittlesey Christmas Lights Committee. Bucket collections have already taken place for both organisations at the highly successful Music on the Square events during the summer, but please do support any future events that seek to raise funds for these two organisations, which are also supported financially by Whittlesey Town Council and The Whittlesey Charity.

Although The Whittlesey Festival has not been possible this year, I can report that positive moves are taking place in re-forming a committee to ensure this prestigious event returns to our town in 2023.

Saxon Pit Issues

Recently, a meeting was held at Peel House between representatives of Whittlesey Town Council and the Saxongate Residents Group who have been working tirelessly to address the problems of noise and pollution emanating from Saxon Pit. The meeting was also attended by our two Cambridgeshire County Council representatives, David Connor and Chris Boden, the latter of whom is also Leader of Fenland District Council.

Further meetings and initiatives are planned to enable Whittlesey Town Council and Saxongate to work in tandem to collect any evidence of breaches of regulations and to lobby the relevant authorities on behalf of the longsuffering residents of the Snoots Road estate adjoining Saxon Pit.  As the local Fenland District Councillor, I am pledging my support to pursue all avenues of enquiry within my power to assist in resolving these long-standing issues.

Finally, the Mayor’s Civic Service is taking place on Sunday 30th October at 3 pm in St Mary’s Church. I would be delighted to see as many citizens as possible at the event.

Cllr David K M Mason – Mayor & Leader – Whittlesey Town Council

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