
The Local View

Here at the Local View, we have created a webzine inspired by you and your area.

You will find local interest, community and business articles, a searchable directory of local businesses and much more. We are solely online, which provides a sense of ease convenience, and gives you additional exposure and help your advertising last longer than print.

Why not come and explore our local directory and uncover the many fantastic businesses we have in your area. Whatever you desire, restaurants, personal trainers, garden centres, hairdressers, local shops, top tips, recipes, articles, and many more, all at the convenience of your fingertips. With our access to search formats, the business you require is just a few clicks away. Displayed in both categories and locations, we are confident you will have a happy browsing experience. Check out our business directory here: 


Are you a business and would like additional exposure for your advertising to last longer

If you are looking to increase your online presence, then the Local View is for you. Perfect for local interest, community and business articles, a searchable directory of local businesses and much more. We are offering:

  • A flexible approach to advertising  
  • Cater for all business budgets  
  • Affordable packages 
  • One-off advertising  
  • Options tailored to your business 

Want to know more, why not look at the different advertising options we offer below:

Our business profile acts as a business directory for our readers as well as a webpage for you! The business profile contains a description of your business as well as links to your social media. SEO Optimised, which increases your chance of being found on a google search!

Top Banner Advert

The Top Banner Advert is displayed at the top of the website, which can be seen anytime. We can design your advert for you, and it has a direct link to your website, which is promoted twice in the month on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Slider Showcase

The Slider Showcase is displayed on the Online Webzine home page, allowing up to 3 businesses per month (no cross sectors). This is superb for advertising something specifically for your product or service. You have an image on day 1 with a direct link to your website and a second image on day 15 again linking to your website. Promoted twice in the month on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Footer Banner

This is displayed on the bottom of The Local View website. We can design your advert for you, and it has a direct link to your website. This is promoted twice in the month on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Business Spotlight Advert

A business’s web page as a spotlight with editorial and images is excellent for really shouting about who you are and what you offer. Also included is a Slider showcase, 2-minute video promoted three times within the month on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.

Promotional Articles with Advert

Promote your business services by creating articles. All articles link to each other, allowing readers to look back at previous articles, and we also keep your advert with your article whilst you are with The Local View.

In addition to promoting your business, we also like to share local news. So, if you have exciting news to share or a story to tell? Let us know; we would love to include this as an article on our website for you. To get a feel and an idea of articles we have done before, check out our latest articles here: 


If you are just starting in business or looking to increase your online presence, Why not book a package?

We offer opportunities to spread the cost monthly from as little as £39 per month. Our packages offer good exposure across our webzine, social media, and newsletters, providing your business with a consistent form of advertising, which has been proven to be 35% more effective.