Local Business Networking Groups in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

Local Business Networking Groups in Peterborough

If you are not currently part of a local networking group in Peterborough you are missing out on a great opportunity to learn from your peers and share tips and best practice. 

If you are experiencing business issues, want to bounce ideas, source new suppliers or just simply build your network, here are just a few great reasons why attending a regular networking group can help you and your business:

  • Be part of your local thriving community
  • Gain access to potential new customers
  • Meet like minded individuals
  • Get referrals/recommendations
  • Meet suppliers
  • Boost brand awareness
  • Promote your products, services or events

We’ve put together a list of local networking groups to make it easier for you to find the perfect groups for you and your business:

BNI Synergy 

A referral networking group that meets weekly at Allia Future Business Centre.
Contact: Marcus Brailsford Apply to visit
When: Wednesdays @ 6:30 am
Web: www.bnibreakfast.co.uk

Business Buzz Cambridgeshire 

Vibrant, welcoming networking events in Peterborough & Cambridge in Cambridgeshire
Contact: Stephen Spencer peterborough@business-buzz.org
Peterborough: Meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month,10 am-12 pm, Cambridgeshire
Cambridge: Meeting every 1st Thursday of each month between 10am-12pm.
Web: www.business-buzz.org/cambridgeshire

Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce 

The Chamber provides many opportunities for members to widen their network of business contacts
Contact: enquiries@cambscci.co.uk
When: Various weekly events
Web: www.cambridgeshirechamber.co.uk

Jo Bevilacqua Mentoring

Helping Female Entrepreneurs to Grow a Profitable Business
Contact: https://www.jobevilacqua.com/contact-jo-bevilacqua/
When: Various
Web: www.jobevilacqua.com


Helps to easily connect with other business owners
Contact: Nikki Pepper https://www.link4business.co.uk/contact
When: Various events
Web: www.link4business.co.uk


An Association owned and directed by its members whose main aim is for people to come together and have conversations
Contact: Nikki Pepper https://uk.link4growth.org/contactus.html
When: Various
Web: www.uk.link4growth.org

Metro Bank

Join Steve Stafford and many other local businesses at the Metro Bank Peterborough for tea, coffee and pastries for a business breakfast event.
Contact: Steve Stafford steve.stafford@metrobank.plc.uk
When: Every 1st Wednesday of the month – 8.30am to 10am
Web: www.bnibreakfast.co.uk

The Original Business Club 

For business leaders, executives and professionals who share a passion for knowledge, growth and development
Contact: Joseph Reilly joseph@the-obc.co.uk
When: Fortnightly at the Holiday Inn, Peterborough
Web: www.theoriginalbusinessclub.co.uk


Informal Netwalking events for businesses of all sizes and a wide range of industry sectors.
Contact: info@livingsport.co.uk
When: Wednesdays – 5pm until 7pm
Web: www.livingsport.co.uk/netwalkingevents


A group for networkers looking for referrals, introductions, opportunities and sales
Contact: Gary Thorpe
When: Various
Web: www.1networking.biz

Talk Networking 

Talk Networking holds 5 formats for business networking at different stages of connection, interaction and support
Contact: Felicity Francis 01780693123 https://talknetworking.co.uk/contact-us/
When: Online, Mingle, VIP, Tables
Web: www.talknetworking.co.uk

Whittlesey and District Business Community

A local networking group to support businesses and sole traders based in Whittlesey

When: Every last Wednesday of the month – arrive 6pm for a 6;30pm start at the Falcon Hotel Whittlesey.
Web: https://www.facebook.com/groups/867021003490386

Women’s Business Network at Brightfield Business Hub 

Bringing ambitious women together to network, learn and grow
Contact: michelle@brightfieldbusinesshub.co.uk
When: TBC
Web: www.brightfieldbusinesshub.co.uk

Other Networking Groups


The Pineapple Network 



Supportive local business network for those who want to cheerlead for themselves and others.

Contact: info@hummingbirdhypnotherapy.co.uk
When: In person, 9:30am – 11:30am monthly
Web: www.eventbrite.com/e/the-pineapple-network-tickets


Do you want your business networking group added to our list? Please contact Sara sara@thelocalview.co.uk with your details.


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