What's your Story text poster.

Nene Park Trust Launches Storytelling Competition to Mark National Storytelling Week

The competition launches on Saturday 27Th January, tying in with the National Literacy Trust’s National Storytelling Week and is open for two weeks, closing on Saturday 10th February. The team at Nene Park Trust is inviting children between the ages of 5 and 14 to put pen to paper, finger to keyboard – or even voice to voice recorder – to come up with a story inspired by Nene Park.

Can you come up with an engaging story about our wonderful wildlife? A tale about our dedicated rangers? Step back in time to retell our Roman history? Or perhaps you’d like to use the Park setting to write about a day out with your family or share a happy Park memory? The sky’s the limit when it comes to the subject matter, as long as it’s inspired by the Park in some way, is no longer than 500 words and is something you think Park visitors would love to read or hear.

There are three age categories for the competition – 5-8yrs, 9-11 yrs and 12-14 yrs and thanks to the generosity of local book seller, Reading Monster’s Bookshop, a £20 book voucher will be awarded to the winning storyteller in each age category. Winners will also see their stories feature on the Nene Park website and shared on their social media channels.

So, what are you waiting for? Get creative and get storytelling. Just email your entries to Marketing.NPT@neneparktrust.org.uk. You can find all the competition details, terms and conditions at www.nenepark.org.uk/storytelling-competition-2024-launches

To tie in with National Storytelling week, Nene Park Trust will also be sharing the poems written by poets from the Syntax Poetry Collective as part of the Nene Park Winter Festival in December. These poems each tell stories inspired by woodland creatures. You can read or listen to them via the Nene Park website – look out for links shared on the Nene Park social media channels during the week 27 January –  4 February.

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